Sundial of St Martin
Are you on sundial time?
Located on the south façade of Saint-Martin-sur-Arve church, this sundial intrigues with its simplicity and history. Already in place at the beginning of the 19th century, the exact date of its creation remains unknown.
Discover the sundial of Saint-Martin-sur-Arve Church!
Restored in 2012, this sundial carries the Latin motto "Nihil sine sole" (Nothing without the sun), a poetic expression that highlights the importance of the sun in measuring time and life. It recalls the ancient art of telling time with the shadow of the polar style.
This sundial stands out for its simplicity. A curved rod, called the polar style, is fixed into the wall to indicate the local solar time. The shadow cast by the inclined part of the rod determines the hours, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
This sundial has witnessed the passing of illustrious visitors: Victor Hugo in 1825 and Napoleon III in 1860, both traveling along the old imperial road, which also passes near the Old Bridge, listed as a historical monument, a mandatory passage to reach Sallanches.
A watercolor created in 1828 by the Piedmontese artist De Gubernatis, now kept in a museum in Turin, already depicts the sundial at this location.
Restored in 1986 by Gilles Keraghel and again in 2012 by Robert Denis, it has been preserved thanks to these restorations, allowing it to continue fulfilling its decorative and educational role.
Take a moment to admire this witness to the passage of time and dive into its fascinating history!
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